Adolescent Dating Violence

Discover the alarming rise of teen dating violence in the United States and explore the hidden dangers lurking in young relationships. Uncover the shocking disparities, risk factors, and powerful intervention strategies needed to protect our youth from this escalating crisis.

It’s Bad Y’all. Let’s Stop it Before it Starts. 

The program plan aims to lower drug use in Duval County, FL. The county experienced an increase in drug overdose deaths, particularly in the 15-24 age group. Englewood Elementary School, within Health Zone 2, has a high-risk student population. The program goal is to decrease drug use rates in the K-12 public school population of Health Zone 2. It will use the evidence-based LifeSkills Training Program to address risk factors associated with substance use and to promote drug resistance. The program will employ Impact Learner and Behavioral Objectives and will utilize Fishbein’s integrated behavioral model and a combination of theories to guide the program. The program also includes cultural awareness elements to cater to the diverse student population in zip code 32207.

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Get that Meat Out of Your Mouth

This community partner project combined environmental and sexual health education using memes and articles to address One Health. It highlighted the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health, emphasizing the need for a holistic approach. Additionally, it discussed the environmental impact of online pornography and the efforts by platforms like Pornhub to promote sustainability.

Unwrapping Eco-Friendly Condoms

Condoms are vital for preventing STIs and pregnancy, but what happens when they do not make it into the landfills and are they environmentally friendly to begin with? In this blog post, we are going to unwrap the environmental impacts of the condom industry and cover which condoms are environmentally friendly so you can

How Much Porn Does it Take to Change a Light Bulb?

This community partner project combined environmental and sexual health education using memes and articles to address One Health. It highlighted the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health, emphasizing the need for a holistic approach. Additionally, it discussed the environmental impact of online pornography and the efforts by platforms like Pornhub to promote sustainability.

Sexual & Gender Minority Youth Chronic Homelessness

The multifaceted issue of youth homelessness, particularly focusing on sexual and gender minority youth. Highlighting the intersecting factors of family conflict, child welfare, sexual abuse, substance use, mental health, and school challenges, along with potential preventive measures and recommended changes in the systems.

Time to break the silence on autoimmune pancreatitis

Autoimmune pancreatitis, a rare yet impactful condition, challenges the pancreas’s function, often mimicking other diseases. Its symptoms, like pain and weight loss, can be mistaken for more common ailments. Diagnosis is key but tricky, as it resembles various conditions. Fortunately, medical advancements enable better detection and management, although uncertainties persist. Vigilance is crucial; prompt medical attention is essential for effective treatment. With proper care and support, individuals with autoimmune pancreatitis can lead fulfilling lives. Advocacy, awareness, and community engagement are vital for progress. Remember, you are not alone; together, we can navigate this journey towards better understanding and treatment.

Pill Mills to Fentanyl: Tackling the Opioid Epidemic

In a recent expert panel discussion titled ‘Pill Mills to Fentanyl: Tackling the Opioid Epidemic,’ leading figures from healthcare, nonprofit, and criminal justice sectors convened to address the alarming 600% increase in drug overdoses from 2000 to 2023. Through insightful dialogue, the panel underscored the imperative of a multifaceted, collaborative approach to combatting addiction, emphasizing policy reform, community education, and evidence-based interventions as crucial pillars in the fight against opioid misuse and its devastating consequences.

Three ways to boost the performance of health care chatbots

Health care chatbots, powered by AI, are increasingly prominent, with options like Youper, Ada Health, and Florence. They offer various functions, including appointment scheduling, inquiries handling, reminders, symptom interpretation, and connecting users with real doctors. Yet, they face challenges. Improving their performance and user satisfaction involves continuous training with updated information, sensitivity to emergencies like strokes, and ensuring ease of use, particularly for vulnerable populations. By addressing these areas, chatbots can enhance health care accessibility, lighten the load on medical providers, and advance health equity, promising a bright future in the field.

How to help teens stay free from substance abuse

Drug overdose deaths are rampant, with over 100,000 reported by the CDC in 2020-2021. Jacksonville saw a drug bust capable of killing 1.5 million. Teens and young adults are particularly affected. Substance abuse, encompassing alcohol, tobacco, and prescription drugs, leads to addiction and health issues. One in seven Americans aged 12 or older has experienced substance use disorders. Preventive methods targeting youth are crucial. Programs enlightening teens on substance abuse, ensuring easy access to mental health support, removing drugs from communities, developing assertiveness skills, and supporting family-based initiatives are vital. By prioritizing prevention, lives, communities, and resources can be saved.