How to help teens stay free from substance abuse

Drug overdose deaths are rampant, with over 100,000 reported by the CDC in 2020-2021. Jacksonville saw a drug bust capable of killing 1.5 million. Teens and young adults are particularly affected. Substance abuse, encompassing alcohol, tobacco, and prescription drugs, leads to addiction and health issues. One in seven Americans aged 12 or older has experienced substance use disorders. Preventive methods targeting youth are crucial. Programs enlightening teens on substance abuse, ensuring easy access to mental health support, removing drugs from communities, developing assertiveness skills, and supporting family-based initiatives are vital. By prioritizing prevention, lives, communities, and resources can be saved.

Florida must do better on paid parental leave for all families

After experiencing a physical trauma like major surgery, many become caregivers to infants, facing mental health challenges without paid parental leave. Despite broad support, the U.S. lacks a national policy, leaving millions without paid leave. Research shows its crucial benefits to children, parents’ mental health, family stability, and society’s economic welfare. A national paid parental leave program, accessible to all, is essential for family well-being and societal advancement. Parents must advocate for such policies to ensure a better future for themselves, their children, and society as a whole.